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John Cordy takes the SX 'SST62+' for a spin!

John Cordy takes the SX 'SST62+' for a spin!

I sent my demo model SX Guitars 'SST62+' down to John Cordy for a couple of video clips and he kindly took the time to make his own video for his channel. Really appreciate his honest thoughts, beautiful playing and time to do this!
Inspection & Set-Up options when purchasing a SX Guitars 'SST62+' guitar from James' Home of Tone

Inspection & Set-Up options when purchasing a SX Guitars 'SST62+' guitar from James' Home of Tone

I have zero intention to just be a 'box shifting' supplier. Guitars of this price point are usually just shipped out upon order, but here at James' Home of Tone, regardless of price point, each and every guitar sold is inspected by me personally. At the end of the day, SX quality control is of a good standard, but it would have traveled by container, stored in a warehouse then shipped to me since that point of final inspection at the factory. So I take each out of the packaging and provide a full inspection, ensuring this guitar will play nicely out of the box for you.