Pots for Les Pauls
Here you'll find the various pot specs most commonly used in Les Paul models. Generally speaking, with humbucker or P90 equipped Les Pauls, you'll find 500k pots. But depending on the precise model, that could be a short, or a long shaft 500k pots. What does that mean? Well the short, or long shaft description refers to the mounting thread length of the pot. Some Les Paul models have a thicker, carved maple cap and the control cavity isn't fully recessed for the pots so a regular short shaft pot won't fit for example. Here's some prominent/common Les Paul variants and which pot spec suits which.
Gibson Les Pauls that take long shaft pots:
50's & 60's Tributes
Historic '68 Custom RI
1977-current Custom's
1977-current Deluxe's
1977-1982 Pro's
Epiphone Elitist
Gibson Les Pauls that take short shaft pots:
Historic R4/R5/R6/R7/R8/R9/R0
1952-1977 Standard's
1954-1977 Custom's
1968-1977 Deluxe's
Historic R7 Custom
The Paul's
Les Paul Special's
Les Paul Jr.'s
Epiphone Les Pauls except the LP Elitist.