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Pickup spotlight - McNelly Jazzmaster range

Pickup spotlight - McNelly Jazzmaster range

For me, the Jazzmaster totally reset the bar of what I wanted from a guitar. The Chime, overall feel, scale, string tension and versatility spoke to me instantly. This is the same for so many of my customers, so I wanted to highlight the range of Jazzmaster pickup options available through us, how you can capture the classic JM tones and how you can mix it up a little without the need for re-routing or a new pickguard. So let's dive right in.
Unplated perfection - McNelly Cornucopia Humbuckers

Unplated perfection - McNelly Cornucopia Humbuckers

We have some really cool pickups pass through our hands, this set is certainly one of those.I spotted McNelly making some 'Unplated' finishes for custom orders, so upon placing a...